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Tomb of Empires (End of October 2024)

Empires rise and fall. Some become legend, others myth, but most are lost to time.

A Tomb of Empires is set in 90 BC, where the ancient world is shaped by ambition, power, and the capricious whims of fate.

It is a story of heroic deeds and ferocious battles, of compassion in the face of cruelty, of moderation in a time of excess, of love earned and love lost.


A Demon’s Touch (2022)

Writing a third novel in a trilogy is always problematic for the author. Will the new novel hit the heights of the previous two, will it dip and fizzle out in the opinion of the readers? Endings are after all more memorable than beginnings.

No matter, how well they start, if the storytelling deteriorates as the reader immerses themselves in the world, it’s likely they will be left with a negative impression upon finishing the story. In fact, they may even hark back with some level of nostalgia to the opening of the novel, and wish the author maintained the same level of quality.


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A King’s Armour (2020)

Writing a sequel, after the success of A Tudor Turk, was going to be particularly challenging, but I was determined to make Book Two in the Chronicles, better than the first one in the series. By all accounts – everyone who has read it, has told me it is.

My novels are often set in parts of the world where I’ve the opportunity to travel to. So, it was the case in A King’s Armour, where I dug up old memories of places I had been to, experiences I had, people with whom I had met, and was fortunate enough to pull all of this together into a coherent narrative.


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A Tudor Turk (2019)

This novel came together by way of a circuitous route. With the family, I was visiting the Topkapi Palace in Istanbul, Turkey, where I saw the legendary Staff of Moses in the Hall of Religious Relics. I was left wondering how this holy relic ended up here? What journey did it take from Moses wielded it, for it to arrive in Istanbul?


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Legends of Tasburai (2021)

Completing the last novel in a series is always highly emotional for the writer, for you know you will never be with those characters again. And so it was with the Legends of Tasburai – though with this book, which I wrote in 2017, I didn’t actually get around to publishing till 2021. So the long goodbye was, well, very long. The reason for the delay was that in the interim we published the three novels in the Tudor Turk series.


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Scream of the Tasburai (2016)

I always had it mind, that this series was going to be a trilogy of novels, but hadn’t thought through the low-level plot structure for the second book in the series when I finished Last of the Tasburai. Fortunately, I learned a lot about how to design and write a novel by this time and managed to complete Scream of the Tasburai in 18 months, as opposed to the four years it took for its predecessor.


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Last of the Tasburai (2014)

This was my first significant attempt to write and publish a novel. As a result, it took about four years, as I spent a lot of time figuring out the technicalities of how to construct a plot with multi- protagonists, and devising their unique character voices. The novel centres around one important theme, which is Aristotle’s ideas on seeking the Golden Mean - the desirable middle way where courage manifests itself as valour, thriving between two extremes, one of excess and the other of deficiency.


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